Photographing Wildlife Handheld with a Canon 100-400mm Lens
By John Gerlach I nearly always use a tripod as it aids me in making quality images. That means I use a tripod whenever possible, but...

Sunrise at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
Sunrise at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge by John Gerlach Canada geese are a blessing when they hold still, but they do make waves...

Processing Focus Stacks
Processing Focus Stacks with Canon DPP 4.8.30 for windows and Helicon Focus 6.7.1 It has been a long and painful process, but slowly I am...

Smoky Mountains Photography
Smoky Mountains Photo Strategies The picturesque Smoky Mountains is truly a nature photographers dreamland. With abundant precipitation...

My Focusing Strategies as of April 2018
These cormorants in the trees at the fabulous Circle B Bar Reserve near Lakeland, FL are focused by using a magnified live view image of...

Circle B Bar Reserve for Fabulous Bird Photography
Circle B Bar Reserve It was exciting to see and photograph a limpkin for the first time at the reserve. They are quite common here, so...

Focus Stacking the Easy and Successful Way
I have largely abandoned stopping the lens down to cover the depth of field for the several reasons listed below: Stopping the lens down...

The Magic of Snow at Bryce Canyon
Snow at Bryce Canyon While driving to Phoenix from Idaho, I heard the weather forecast for Bryce Canyon while driving a little south of...

White Pocket is a Photographer's Paradise!
White Pocket is a unique landscape found southeast of Kanab, Utah, but on the Arizona side of the border. Both North Coyote buttes that...